Fill a child's life with hope. Fill yours with joy.

Characteristics of Parenting Stress of Couples Who Have Adopted Internationally

Dear Parents,

The International Adoption Center is currently conducting a research project to study parenting stress. Limited information is available on parenting internationally adopted children and even less about parenting stress. The goal of this study is to describe the characteristics of stress parents may have following international adoption of a child. We hope to use this information to help parents in the future.

Christine Narad is coordinating this project. Participation in this anonymous on-line study is voluntary. This study involves husband and wife couples to separately answer basic demographic questions and then a questionnaire about parenting stress. Information obtained from participants will be coded and no identifying information will be used when recording responses. You can learn more about this study by pressing the button below.

If you have any questions concerning this study, please do not hesitate to contact us at 703-970-2651. If you do not wish to participate do not access the study site. This study is part of a research protocol and is entirely voluntary and in no way will impact your current or future relationship with the International Adoption Center or your current health care provider. If you would like additional information about your rights in a research study, contact IRB Administrator (committee that reviews research) at 703-776-3167.

Your participation is much appreciated.


Patrick W. Mason, MD, Ph.D, FAAP

Director, International Adoption Center

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